Anyone who knows me well, knows that I HATE Ikea. Jörg, on the other hand, loves it and could spend hours there. Because we have no mattresses at the house, Jörg came up with the idea of ordering them online from Ikea and then having them delivered to the house so we wouldn't be without a bed the first night. We were headed down to Mountain View for a concert last weekend and I though I would be nice and offered that we could leave 45 minutes early to stop at Ikea in Palo Alto. I was hoping we would just go in, head straight for the mattresses, pick one out, and then move on to the concert. Of course it is never that easy at Ikea. First of all, you have to follow the maze through the store and visit every section before you find what you need. Jörg claims he knows shortcuts, but we sure didn't take them on this trip. It was Saturday and the store was filled with families poking around and blocking the aisles. I thought I was doing Jörg a favor, but he still got mad at me for walking too fast through the store! At any rate, we made it to the mattresses, found one we could both live with and Jörg ordered them through the French website.

We are going with the German setup, which will be two twin mattresses on one frame, which will hopefully offer more restful sleep and give us plenty of room since we can't seem to keep the dogs out of bed and the queen we have is not big enough for the four of us.
Besides the crowds and horrible layout, the other thing I hate about Ikea is that a lot of their furniture looks cheap and like you are decorating your college dorm room. There is of course a time and place for that in life, but I had hoped I was passed it. Here are the linens Jörg picked out and I didn't have strong enough feeling to get involved in a discussion.
We fly in to Toulouse on a Thursday evening and Jörg has already located a Courtyard between the airport and Ikea. We will spend the night and then hit Ikea first thing in the morning to load up the car and the drive the 3.5 hours to the house. Should be fun!