Saturday, March 29, 2014


The major work in the bathroom is done and it looks almost exactly like we envisioned! The green is a little brighter than I expected, so we will have to live with it to decide if we want to tone it down. We still have to find a mirror, but I am thrilled with how it turned out. Jörg will be there on Monday, so I will get a first-hand report, and then I hope to be there for a few days in mid-April.


Thursday, March 20, 2014


It's the first day of spring and we received pictures of evidence it has also come to Vendoire.

First Signs of Spring
Flowering quince plant - maybe we will make membrillo in the fall

Jörg has left for Germany a little earlier than expected, but plans to be in Vendoire for two weeks at the beginning of April.  Hopefully, the new bathroom will be complete - we just received word that the sink, the last major fixture, has arrived from Kohler, Wisconsin.

The tub in place

Another Angle

View from the Tub

This really is a big water heater and now Jörg has me convinced it is going to bankrupt us due to the high cost of electricity in Europe.  He says we will only be able to bathe between 9:00 PM and 6:00 AM when the rates are lower.

My new best friend (especially since Jörg is making me leave behind my car and TV)

When I saw the photo below, I was concerned that we were going to have just a squatter for a toilet, like I have experienced in rural France before, but Jörg assures me that a seat and lid will be added.  I hope we don't have to use that waxy square toilet paper you find in public bathrooms in France! 
The Commode

Sunday, March 2, 2014


I thought I would share some pictures that our contractor sent showing progress on the bathroom project.  The first step was installing new plumbing that will eventually accommodate two new bathrooms and the half bath under the stairs.

Scary Basement
I haven't been down in the basement yet, but I am told that when it rains water comes in from the street and turns it in to a mud pit.  I am obviously a little concerned about this, but have been reassured that the house has stood for well over 150 years and seems to be doing just fine.

Detail of the stone foundation and wood floors and beams from below
My new friend!
One of the "discussions" we had on the bathroom addition was the size of the water heater.  Jörg thought 200 liters was enough, but when our contractor said theirs is 200 and they can just get through three showers, I insisted we had to go bigger.  300 liters = 79.25 American gallons.  The tub has a capacity of 53 gallons.  I refuse to take a hot bath on a winter's day and have to boil water in the tea kettle to fill the last inch of the bath like I currently do.

The plumbing has to go through the living room (or "salon" as our British neighbors call it), so our contractor built a casing to cover it up and the goal is that it will eventually be integrated into a wall of bookshelves.

Framing for the shelf and partial wall
New light fixtures.  The bathroom will have an industrial look.
Completed wall
Jörg is scheduled to go over next week to pick up some furniture in Germany and deliver it to the house.  Hopefully the sink and tub will arrive before or while he is there so the progress can continue!