Monday, April 21, 2014

Apartment Hunt Results

Although we were initially going to wait until June to finalize an apartment, we found one we kind of fell in love with and are in the process of negotiating with the rental agency.

We immediately eliminated Apartment A (dated 4th floor walk-up) - it wasn't even in the category of the others.  We briefly considered the more traditional French style of Apartment C and D, mainly because Jörg is 6'7" and an attic apartment doesn't make sense, but the fact that it is "new" but retains the character of an old building and the stunning views sealed the deal.  We still have a lot of paperwork and hurdles to get over, but if it all works out Jörg will move in May 10th.

Our Street
Our Building

Interior Courtyard and Elevator
Interior Door
Front Gate

Jörg in Living Room
Kitchen viewed from Living Room - Note the old wall

We must buy a Stove, Refrigerator, and Dishwasher

Kitchen from Dining Room
Below are pictures of the two main bedrooms.  Both have built-in storage (closets) which is a rarity in an "old" apartment.

Bedroom 1(small windows have bars to keep dogs from leaping to their death)
Bedroom 2
Below is the only "room" without a window.  Could be used as storage, an office, or a small sleeping room.

The bathroom is small, but functional.  There is a space to add a washer and a separate toilet across the hall. Not sure how Jörg is going to take a shower...

There are three large windows facing a light well.  This is from the bedroom hallway looking across to Kitchen. 
View from back side of apartment 
View from Living Room (most easily appreciated by those shorter than 5'6")
Below are a few pictures from the neighborhood. Jörg was excited about the wine store and Randel by the 12-screen cinema that shows US films in their original English with French subtitles.

Wine Store
Place de Jacobins - two blocks up
Cinéma Lyon Pathé Bellecour
Place Bellecour - Two doors down from the apartment

Monday, April 14, 2014

International House Hunt

Today from 9:30 AM to 6:30 PM we drove around Lyon with our real estate agent, Michel. We only saw four apartments, but we spent the entire day exploring all of the potential neighborhoods. We felt like we were on an episode of House Hunters International, so in that vein, here is a summary.

Our requirements:

  • In the city of Lyon (not the suburbs)
  • Somewhat accessible for Jörg's commute (his office is about half an hour southwest of the city, so anything east of the Saône (the river on the left of the map below) would not work
  • At least two bedrooms
  • An older apartment with French character, lots of light, and wood floors ("altbau" as they would say in Germany)
  • Must accommodate our dogs
  • Two baths or split bath (separate bathroom and toilet)

Wants, but not requirements:

  • Balcony or outdoor space.  If not possible, close to a park
  • Parking space or easy street parking
  • Equipped kitchen (it is normal in Europe to install your own kitchen in a rental)
  • Updated kitchen and bath
  • Close to restaurants and shops
With this in mind, we set out to look at the 1st, 2nd, 6th, 3rd, and 7th Arrondissements (neighborhoods).

Apartment A (red pin) - a two bedroom walk-up on the 4th floor of an old building.  It was in a decent neighborhood with shops and restaurants only one block from the Rhône.

It is the only one that has web address, and thus realtor pictures, but it was a little alarming that this was all we could get within our budget.

As you might be able to tell, the paint job was a little dated, as was the kitchen.

Apartment B (yellow pin): This one was in what I would characterize as a very fancy part of town on a small street with boutiques and restaurants.  It is just a few houses down from a very large plaza called Place Bellacour.  It had an elevator, which went up to the 7th floor, but when we got off we realized we had to go up another set of stairs to what was going to be an attic apartment.  

This is as far as Jörg could walk.
Expecting a dark and cramped space, we were surprised to find a newly renovated space with a great deal of light from several roof windows.  Yes, the eaves create some odd space, but it was an interesting layout and seemed to have more space than the first.

We would have to provide appliances for the kitchen, but that was true in all of the places and at least this one had cabinets and counters.

We were intrigued by the possibilities with the funky layout, but it was when we looked out the roof windows that we were really blown away.
View from bedroom window
View from living room windows
The last two apartments are notable for their proximity to Parc de la Tête d'Or, one of the largest urban parks in France.

Apartment C (green pin): This apartment was what we had in mind with a traditional older French apartment. It was on the second floor, but had an elevator and had beautiful wood floors and tall windows. It is actually in a building owned by the Catholic church across the street.

Building 3 - you can tell it is a Catholic building by the large Jesus Statue on the corner
Jörg in the living room 
Tiny "kitchen"
View from the kitchen
Added bonus - this apartment was the only one with two bathrooms.

Apartment D (blue pin): The second older apartment was on a lovely tree-lined boulevard with shops and Cafés.


Jörg in living room

This one was interesting, and had some charm, but the entry hall had old, linoleum that was curling up on the sides. The kitchen and bathroom were also very basic and dated. The main bonus was an interior courtyard that was completely surrounded by buildings and had a grass lawn for quick dog walks.

Jörg has a furnished apartment for the next three months, but our realtor now knows what we like and don't like and will keep his eye out for the perfect fit once we are closer to move-in ready.

Saturday, April 5, 2014


Part of the fun of an established garden is discovering the perennials as the pop up in the spring.  Jörg is enjoying a couple of weeks at the house in between jobs
