Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Quiet Times

Village Bulletin Board

Not much happening in the fall, since the vacationers have all gone, the kids are in school, and the farmers are harvesting.  Posters are all from July and August.

Fire Hydrant

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Journées Européennes du Patrimoine

The third weekend in September is designated European Heritage Days, and for two days buildings, gardens, and museums are open, many of which are not normally accessible to the public.  The city was filled with people and there were long lines, but it was interesting to see a side of things one would not normally see.

Started the day at Theater Celestins near our apartment

This dad deserves an award for playing with his son in the fountain.  I walk the dogs here every day and didn't know there're were fountains underneath.

School near Jörg's first flat.

There is an old chapel in the school that is now the home of the Chamber Music Society of Lyon.

Inside the courtyard at Hotel de Ville (City Hall)

City Council Chamber

Door inside City Hall

Grand Staircase, painted in the 17th century, depicting the great fire of Lyon during Nero's reign.

One of three red salons

Painting depicting the "Death of Chilperic", who was murdered in Lyon

The main reception hall since around 1700

Fireplace from 1863 in the room that functioned as the commercial court of Lyon

Painted Ceiling

The Mayor's Desk

The top of the opera viewed from the courtyard of City Hall

Lines waiting to tour the Opera House

The opera house was originally built in 1830, but was renovated in the 1990's with a completely new structure built within the walls of the old building.

Two of the original muses

The old foyer of the opera house

The painted ceiling in the opera house

View of Fouviere from the Opera

The top of the opera (up 11 flights of stairs) houses the dance studio for the opera ballet

A beautiful place to rehearse!

Croix Russe from the louvered windows of the opera

The inside of the public space of the opera is all shiny black marble and red velvet

Poster for a new ballet by Benjamin Millepied, Natalie Portman's husband and Black Swan choreographer

City Hall from the portico of the Opera House
Next stop was Chapel Hotel-Dieu, which is the chapel inside a huge hospital complex that has existed on the site since 1454.  The hospital has not been in use since the 70's, but unfortunately was not open due to being under construction.

Stained glass inside Chapel Hotel-Dieu

Baptism font, where they estimate 40,000 babies were baptized between 1945 and 1975

Jesus statue in front of organ pipes in Église Saint François de Sales

Cute bookstore tucked away in the courtyard of one of the buildings in our neighborhood

"The Glory of the Republic"

Modern architecture in Confluence, the neighborhood where the Rhone and the Saone meet, which used to be industrial, but is now being gentrified.

Team Paddleboard Races

The trees think it is fall, but the temperature does not yet agree.

Mercedes-Benz 190 SL