Wednesday, December 25, 2013


Christmas was low-key this year, but we did pick up a box of ornaments at Ikea and Jörg got a small tree (bush?).

Randel Stringing Lights (as usual)

Our Tree

Christmas Eve Dinner

Village Christmas Tree Just Before Dawn

Jörg in the Window

Church in Bardenac

Church Doors - Bardenac
Audrey had arranged for a group of 12 of us to have Christmas lunch in Bardenac, about 40 minutes from Vendoire.  The restaurant was full and probably about 80% of the guests were British.  They served a family style set menu over 3.5 hours, from which we are still recovering.

  1. Pumpkin Soup
  2. Lobster Tail
  3. Pâté 
  4. Wild Boar Stew
  5. Baked Chicken, Apples, and Chestnuts
  6. Salad
  7. Cheese
  8. Bûche de Noël (Christmas log desserts)
  9. Coffee and Chocolate
They sure know how to eat in France!

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