Friday, November 1, 2013

Our Little Place in France

Well, we've closed on our little village house in France and a new adventure begins.  I don't know how often I will post or what I will write about, but the goal is to share our little project with family and friends.


  1. HAHA, those poor Europeans! Of course there is more than just one "shade of white" in Europe - but WHITE there is only one - simple WHITE - not candlelight beige, or snowy white, or latte white, just WHITE. even our contractor asked me several times what kind of white and I told her "Just paint it white, plain untainted white".
    The only reason behind it is that Randel and I want to start this adventure with a clean slate. The house was a little messy and a little grimy – so my brother had the idea to just get it painted white for now – don’t do anything else major or expensive, just clean and white. Then we have the next few months to figure out what condition the house is in, and what we need to do versus what we would like to do. First objective right now was the illusion of CLEAN, and WHITE = CLEAN 
